167 research outputs found


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    Kehadiran teknologi informasi ini tentulah disambut dengan sangat baik sebagai pusat berkembangnya IPTEK dan penghasil SDM yang berkualitas. Penguasaan IPTEK bidang teknologi informasi perlu mendapat perhatian khususnya bidang pemerintahan tingkat desa. Penggunaan teknologi informasi dapat memberikan efektifitas terhadap aktifitas di desa dalam meningkatkan layanan. Desa Bagan Asahan adalah salah satu desa yang terletak di kabupaten Asahan. Desa ini merupakan desa yang termasuk lokasinya cukup jauh dengan ibukota Kabupaten Asahan sekitar lebih kurang 40 Km atau sekitar 1 jam setengah perjalanan menuju desanya. Infrastruktur untuk teknologi informasi seperti jaringan data Telkomsel cukup bagus. Sehingga pemanfaatan teknologi informasi untuk pengelolaan data desa bisa lebih maksimal. Aparatur desa sebagai pelaksana administrasi di desa harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang teknologi informasi serta mampu menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi masyarakat. Dasar tujuan tersebut maka dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Bagan Asahan Kec. Tanjung Balai Kab. Asahan dengan memberikan materi tentang penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pengelolaan data desa. Kata Kunci : Teknologi Informasi, Data Desa, Cloud Storage, Google Driv


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    ABSTRAK Karya Ilmiah merupakan hal tahap akhir yang harus dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk mendapat kelulusan. Pada saat sekarang mahasiswa diharuskan memuat karya ilmiah dalam digital. Sehingga besar kemungkinan apabila mahasiswa membuat suatu karya ilmiah memiliki similarity yang besar dan mengakibatkan plagiarisme. Untuk mendukung proses pengajuan karya ilmiah diperlukan suatu sistem dalam manajemen karya ilmiah yang sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku pada universitas. Dalam pengembangan sistem tersebut digunakan metode Rapid Appplication Development (RAD)yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan kebutuhan, desain sistem, kontruksi dan outcover,digunakan pemodelan data Unified Modeling Language (UML) pada tahap desain sistem dari metode RAD. SIMANIS ini dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi mahasiswa dalam pengajuan karya ilmiah tanpa harus bertatap muka oleh koordintar karya ilmiah dan mengetahui hasil similarity karya ilmiah tersebut. Oleh sebab ituSIMANISini dibangun dengan fasilitas informasi hasil cek similarity. Kata kunci : SIMANIS, Karya Ilmiah, Similarity, RAD, UM

    Anomalous Origin of a Right Coronary Artery from Pulmonary Artery

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    Congenital defects of the coronary arteries are noted in 0.2–1.4% of the general population. The first case of an anomalous origin of right coronary artery from pulmonary artery (ARCAPA) was described by Brooks in 1885. ARCAPA has an overall incidence of 0.002% in the general population. Most of the cases are asymptomatic; however, it can lead to serious complications such as heart failure, ischemia, and sudden death. A 57-year-old man presented to the cardiologist’s office with complaints of shortness of breath and fatigue. The patient also had a previous history of coronary stents and heart failure. Initially, he was evaluated with a stress test which was reported as abnormal. The patient then underwent an invasive coronary angiography that revealed anomalous origin of the right coronary artery (RCA) and multivessel disease. Cardiothoracic surgery evaluated the patient and coronary artery bypass graft was performed. During the surgery, the anomalous origin of RCA from the pulmonary artery was identified and was successfully corrected by reimplanting the RCA into the ascending aorta. The anomalous origin of RCA is a rare yet life-threatening condition. The RCA due to its location of origin from the pulmonary artery tends to be a low-pressure vessel with a very thin and fragile wall. It also serves as a retrograde venous conduit from the left coronary circulation into the pulmonary artery. This connection results in a left-to-right shunt that explains the increase in oxygen saturation in the pulmonary artery and the high cardiac output which is normally seen in these cases. The clinical presentation can vary from coronary ischemia to heart failure or sudden death. Therefore, surgical correction is recommended even in asymptomatic patients. We present a case of an anomalous origin of RCA from the pulmonary artery which, unlike the origin of left coronary from pulmonary artery, is very rare. Patients with this condition should have early correction even if they are asymptomatic in order to prevent long-term complications

    Analysis Of Village Dau, Dak, And Funds On Inequality Distribution Income And Growth In Indonesia 2015-2018

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    This study aims to analyze (1) the effect of DAU on economic growth, (2) the effect of DAK on economic growth, (3) the effect of income distribution inequality on economic growth, (4) the influence of the Village Fund on income distribution inequality, (5) the effect of growth the economy against inequality of income distribution. The data used were sourced from the Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance and the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency during the 2015-2018 period, the unit of analysis was 33 provinces in Indonesia. This study uses a simultaneous equation regression model with the two stage least square (2SLS) regression technique with the Fixed Effect Model (FEM). The results showed that, (1) general allocation funds have a positive and significant effect on economic growth, which means that any increase in general allocation funds will be followed by an increase in economic growth. (2) special allocation funds have a negative and significant effect on economic growth. This means that any increase in special allocation funds will make economic growth decline. (3) income distribution inequality has a negative and significant effect on economic growth, which means that any increase in income distribution inequality can as much as reduce economic growth. (4) the variable of village funds has a negative and not significant effect on the inequality of income distribution, which means that any increase in village funds will make the income distribution inequality decrease. (5) economic growth variable has a negative and significant effect on inequality of income distribution, which means that any increase in economic growth can reduce inequality of income distribution decreases. Keywords: DAU, DAK, Village Funds, Economic Growth, Inequality of Income Distribution

    Prospek Pengembangan Integrasi Sawit-sapi di Kalimantan Selatan

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    Luas perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Selatan pada tahun 2013 mencapai 343.749 ha, terdiri atas perkebunan rakyat 59.618 ha (15,95%), perkebunan besar negara 4.906 ha (1,38%), dan perkebunan besar swasta 279.015 ha (87,68%). Dari luas tersebut, terbuka peluang pengembangan ternak sapi potong secara terintegrasi dengan memanfaatkan hijauan berupa rumput dan legum penutup tanah, limbah kebun seperti pelepah sawit, dan limbah pengolahan crude palm oil (CPO) sebagai sumber pakan. Populasi sapi potong di Kalimantan Selatan pada tahun 2013 mencapai 135.900 ekor, dengan pola pemeliharaan secara tradisional dan semiintensif. Produktivitas sapi potong tergolong rendah, antara lain karena biaya pakan yang tinggi dan efisiensi reproduksi yang rendah. Perbaikan produktivitas sapi potong dapat dilakukan melalui pemeliharaan secara terintegrasi dengan perkebunan kelapa sawit untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pakan. Sementara kotoran ternak dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai biogas dan pupuk organik/kompos untuk memperbaiki struktur dan tekstur tanah sehingga produktivitas kelapa sawit meningkat. Perbaikan manajemen pemeliharaan sapi potong yang meliputi pemilihan bibit, perkandangan, pemberian pakan yang berkualitas, sistem perkawinan, pemeliharaan pedet dan bakalan, pengendalian penyakit disertai penguatan kelembagaan kelompok tani/ternak atau gabungan kelompok tani/ternak (gapoknak) diharapkan mampu membantu meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan petani secara berkelanjutan

    Night vision obstacle detection and avoidance based on Bio-Inspired Vision Sensors

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    Moving towards autonomy, unmanned vehicles rely heavily on state-of-the-art collision avoidance systems (CAS). However, the detection of obstacles especially during night-time is still a challenging task since the lighting conditions are not sufficient for traditional cameras to function properly. Therefore, we exploit the powerful attributes of event-based cameras to perform obstacle detection in low lighting conditions. Event cameras trigger events asynchronously at high output temporal rate with high dynamic range of up to 120 dBdB. The algorithm filters background activity noise and extracts objects using robust Hough transform technique. The depth of each detected object is computed by triangulating 2D features extracted utilising LC-Harris. Finally, asynchronous adaptive collision avoidance (AACA) algorithm is applied for effective avoidance. Qualitative evaluation is compared using event-camera and traditional camera.Comment: Accepted to IEEE SENSORS 202

    Produktivitas Kambing Perah Peranakan Ettawa (PE) pada Tingkat Kelompok Tani Ternak di Lombok Tengah (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Tani Ternak)

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    This study aims to determine the productivity of PE goats kept by Livestock Farmers Groups in Central Lombok Regency. This study used a survey method with the determination of sample villages based on the presence of PE goat Livestock Farmers Groups in KTT and PE goats as respondents were determined by census and taken as respondents. This research was carried out at two locations, namely the Livestock Farmers Group and the Animal Feed and Nutrition Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unram. The variables measured were the amount and type of feed given, milk production, fat and milk protein content of each lactating PE goat, belonging to members of the Livestock Farming Group. The research data will be tabulated and analyzed using the Arithmatic Mean and Standard Deviation using the MS Excel 2007 spreadsheet, then discussed descriptively. The results of the study were 6 target summits with 49 active members and all of them were part time jobs with a population of 107 PE goats, consisting of 23 males and 84 females of various ages. And the composition of the forage consisted of 4 types of grass or around 26.67%, 4 types of leguminous or around 26.67% and 7 types of trees or around 46.67%, from the 107 PE goats, 16 males or about 66 of them obtained feed status. .67% was sufficient and 8 heads or around 33.33% were not sufficient and as many as 29 females or around 34.94% were sufficient and as many as 54 heads or around 65.06% the feed requirement was not fulfilled. The average milk production of 16 lactating PE goats belonging to members of the target summit was around 306.10 ± 221.96 ml/head/day, which was relatively low, with a fat content of 3.4037 ± 0.6579%, which was quite good, still meeting SNI milk quality standards ( 3.0%) and the Directorate General of Labor (≥ 2.8%), while the protein content of 3.7837 ± 0.5127% is quite high, still meeting SNI standards (2.8%) and the Directorate General of Labor (≥ 2.7%)

    Single core hardware module to implement encryption in TECB mode

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    The growth of the Internet as a vehicle for secure communication has resulted in Data Encryption Standard (DES) no longer capable of providing high-level security for data protection. Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) is a symmetric block cipher with 192 bits key proposed to further enhance DES. Many applications crave for the speed of a hardware encryption implementation while trying to preserve the flexibility and low cost of a software implementation. This project used single core module to implement encryption in Triple DES Electronic Code Book (TECB) mode, which was modeled using hardware description language VHDL. The architecture was mapped in Altera EPF10K100EFC484-1 and EP20K200EFC672-1X for performance investigations and resulted in achieving encryption rate of 102.56 Mbps, area utilization of 2111 logic cells (25%) and a higher maximum operating frequency of 78.59 MHz by implementing on the larger FPGA device EP20K200EFC672-1X. It also suggested that 3DES hardware was 2.4 times faster than its software counterpart